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Social Studies


1. Real Numbers

2. Polynomials

3. Pair of linear equations in two variables

4. Quadratic Equations

5. Arithmetic progression

6. Coordinate Geometry

7.  Introduction to Trigonometry

8. Some Application of Trigonometry

9. Triangles

10. Circles

11.  Constructions

12. Area Related to Circles

13. Surface Area and volume

14. Statistics

15. Probability




1. Rise of nationalism in Europe

2. Nationalism in India

3. The making of global world

4. The age if industrialization.

5. Print culture and the modern world

6. Post independence era: Jammu and Kashmir on the path of modernization.


Political Science

1. Power sharing

2. Federalism

3. Democracy and diversity

4. Gender religion and caste

5. Popular struggle and movement

6. Political parties

7. Outcomes of democracy

8. Challenge to democracy

9. The Jammu and Kashmir reorganization act 2019



1. Resources and development

2. Forests and wildlife resources

3. Water resources

4. Agriculture

5. Minerals and energy resources

6. Manufacturing industries

7. Lifeline of Indian economy



1. Understanding Jammu & Kashmir Economy

2. Employment

3. Financial instruments used in financial market operations


Disaster Management

1. Protecting ourselves from disasters


Road Safety Education

1. Road safety education


Social Studies




1. Light reflection and refraction

2. The human eye and colourful world

3. Electricity

4. Magnetic effects of electric current

5. Sources of energy



6. Chemical reactions and equations

7. Periodic classification of elements

8. Carbon and it's compounds

9. Metals and non metals

10. Acids , bases and salts



11. Life processes

12. Control and coordination

13. How do organisms reproduce?

14. Heredity and evolution

15. Our environment

16. Management of natural resources




१. साखियां 
२. दोहे
३. जम्मू-कश्मीर में हिंदी
४. हमारा प्यारा भारतवर्ष
५. नारी श्रृंगार
६. केकैयी का अनुताप
७. मधुर-मधुर मेरे दीपक जल
८. पर्वत प्रदेश में पावस
९. सपनों के से दिन
१०. कश्मीर का लोक नाटक 
    "बांड पाऽथर"
११. मानवता
१२. जम्मू की चित्रकला
१३. हिंदी जन की बोली है
१४. भिक्षुक
१५. बड़े भाई साहब
१६. हरिहर काका
हिंदी साहित्य का इतिहास
१. पदबंद
२. वाक्य विश्लेषण
३. मुहावरे, लोकोक्तियां
४. संधि
५. समास
६. वाक्य परिवर्तन
७. समानार्थक शब्द
८. भिन्नार्थक शब्द
९. अनेकार्थक शब्द
१०. पर्यायवाची शब्द
११. अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द
१२. विलोम शब्द
१३. उपसर्ग
१४. प्रत्यय
१५. विराम चिह्न
१६. संज्ञा
१७. सर्वनाम
१८. विशेषण
१९. क्रिया के भेद
२०. अलंकार
२१. छंद
२२. पत्र लेखन
२३. निबंध लेखन
२४. सार लेखन
२५. अपठित गद्यांश



Term - 1                 60 Marks


Unit 1: Networking

Unit 2: HTML5

Unit 3: Cyberethics


Term - 2                  80 Marks


Unit 4: Scratch/Python

Unit 5: MySQL





1. Footprints without Feet

2. An Excellent Father

3. From the Diary of a Young Girl

4. Long Walk to Freedom

5. The Sermon at Benares

6. Pappachi's Moth

7. The Ghat of the Only World


1. Prayer

2. Miracles

3. When You Are Old

4. Speak Up

5. Snowdrop

6. My Mother At Sixty-Six

7. The Evening Wet With Rain

8. The Tale of Custard the Dragon

9. Last Lesson of the Afternoon

10. From I Explain a Few Things

Short Stories

1. The Necklace

2. Bholi

3. Abhiley

4. Out of Business

5. The Servant

6. Dusk


1. The Proposal

Grammar and Composition:

1. Editing and Proof Reading

2. Re-Arranging of Jumbled Sentences

3. Dialogue

4. Narration

5. Modals

6. Articles

Paragraph Writing with blanks to be filled in for the following:

1. Phrases

2. Pronouns

3. Homonyms/Homophones

4. Tenses

5. Clauses

6. Punctuation

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